Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Word "Tweet" As A Number

The word Tweet (25552) acts like a lighthouse:

Two (2), the only female prime number, is anchored between "555"

555 corresponds to the english word "NEW" (555) and the sun rises at 5:55 am on the Divine Birthdate, 8/11 here on the 41st latitude north - ie. Lake Michigan in Chicago.

41 corresponds to "I Am the light of the world" John 8:12 as follows:

I (9) Am (14) the (285) light (39782) of (66) the (285) world (56934) = 97375 = 41 prime X 2375

The word Tweet (25552) = 1597 prime X 16

1597 = 1+5+9+7 = 22 = 2 prime X 11

So the number "22" mirrors this "Tweet (25552) effect" - ie. with two (2) 2's anchoring "555", etc.

I joined Twitter.com on February 17, 2009, Michael Jordan #23's 46th birthday. 46 = 23 "I Am" X 2 - ie. I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is the Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai "I Am...the Lord thy God...." Exodus 20:2.

It's interesting that thirteen (13) cycles of 1597 "Prime of Tweet (25552)" days prior to the day I joined Twitter.com, 20090217, brings us to 19520416 which is Rose Lear's 2nd birthday.

Rose Lear who hails from Muskegon Michigan has been a beacon of hope for me and for mankind. She inspired me years ago to pray the rosary and on September 10th in the Year 2004 I prayed the rosary for the first time.

When you add two (2) cycles of Tweet (25552) days 21440811, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord God Jesus Christ (6 BC).